Parking on the Random Recursive Tree
Submitted (2025), with A. Contat -
On the limit law of the superdiffusive elephant random walk
Submitted (2024), with H. Guérin, K. Raschel and T. Simon -
A universal scaling limit for diffusive amnesic step-reinforced random walks
Submitted (2024), with M. Bertenghi -
Elephant Polynomials
Aequationes mathematicae (2024), with H. Guérin et K. Raschel -
Recurrence of the plane Elephant random walk
Comptes Rendus Mathématiques (2024), with N. Curien -
A fixed-point equation approach for the superdiffusive elephant random walk
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques (2024), with H. Guérin and K. Raschel -
Analysis of the smoothly amnesia-reinforced elephant random walk
Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 190 (2023), avec J. Chen -
Introducing smooth amnesia to the memory of the Elephant Random Walk
Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 27 (2022) -
How to estimate the memory of the Elephant Random Walk
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2022), with B. Bercu -
New insights on the reinforced Elephant Random Walk using a martingale approach
Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 186 (2022) -
A martingale approach for Pólya urn processes
Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 25 (2020) -
On the Center of Mass of the Elephant Random Walk
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 133 (2021) with B. Bercu -
On the Multi-dimensional Elephant Random Walk
Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 175 (2019) with B. Bercu
PhD thesis
About the elephant random walk
Defended in June 2022
Talks (conferences and workshops)
- 2024
- Self-interacting processes, INI (Cambridge)
- SSC Annual Congress, Memorial University (St John's)
- Random Walks: Interacting, Branching, and more, CIRM (Marseille)
- 2023
- Discrete Randomness in Créteil, LAMA (Créteil)
- Combinatoire elliptique et au-délà, Cargèse (Corse)
- Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Brusells (Belgium)
- Journées de Probabilités, Angers
- Stochastic Reinforcement Processes and Graphs, MFO (Oberwolfach)
- 2022
- Journées MAS 2022, Rouen
- 2021
- Colloque des jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens 2021, Oléron
- Journées de Probabilités, Guidel (Bretagne)