
  1. Parking on the Random Recursive Tree
    Submitted (2025), with A. Contat
  2. On the limit law of the superdiffusive elephant random walk
    Submitted (2024), with H. Guérin, K. Raschel and T. Simon
  3. A universal scaling limit for diffusive amnesic step-reinforced random walks
    Submitted (2024), with M. Bertenghi
  4. Elephant Polynomials
    Aequationes mathematicae (2024), with H. Guérin et K. Raschel
  5. Recurrence of the plane Elephant random walk
    Comptes Rendus Mathématiques (2024), with N. Curien
  6. A fixed-point equation approach for the superdiffusive elephant random walk
    Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques (2024), with H. Guérin and K. Raschel
  7. Analysis of the smoothly amnesia-reinforced elephant random walk
    Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 190 (2023), avec J. Chen
  8. Introducing smooth amnesia to the memory of the Elephant Random Walk
    Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 27 (2022)
  9. How to estimate the memory of the Elephant Random Walk
    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2022), with B. Bercu
  10. New insights on the reinforced Elephant Random Walk using a martingale approach
    Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 186 (2022)
  11. A martingale approach for Pólya urn processes
    Electronic Communications in Probability, Volume 25 (2020)
  12. On the Center of Mass of the Elephant Random Walk
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 133 (2021) with B. Bercu
  13. On the Multi-dimensional Elephant Random Walk
    Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 175 (2019) with B. Bercu

PhD thesis

About the elephant random walk
Defended in June 2022

Talks (conferences and workshops)