About me

I am an assistant professor (maitresse de conférences) at Modal'X, University Paris Nanterre, since september 2023. Before that, I was a postdoc in Nantes, and I obtain my PhD in Bordeaux under the supervision of Bernard Bercu.

My main research topic is reinforced random processes. Most of my work is related to the Elephant Random Walk, a random walk with memory of its entire past. At first, I studied its asymptotical behavior using martingale theory but I am now exploring other approaches.


9 - 12 july 2024 : Self-interacting processes (workshop), Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge


2022 - 2023 : Postdoc, Nantes Université (LMJL)
2019 - 2022 : PhD in Mathematics, Université de Bordeaux (IMB)
2019 : Master 2 degree in Mathematics, Université de Rennes 1
2018 : National teaching exam (Agrégation de Mathématiques), Université de Rennes 1
2015 - 2019 : Student at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes
2012 - 2015 : Student in Preparatory Classes, Lycée Montaigne, Bordeaux